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How To Reach New Patients with Virtual Care

Reach new patients by meeting the rising demand for virtual health, it's not the daunting task you may think!

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The pandemic only increased the rapid adoption of telehealth. There are many telehealth services available for healthcare institutions. Implementing virtual healthcare may seem like a daunting task, but these platforms create a better relationship between physicians and patients. Some patients say they’re even more comfortable talking to a healthcare professional at home rather than in an office. Virtual care platforms can save your patients the added pressure and stress of in person meetings. At the end of the day, adoptiong virtual care is about better outcomes, for more patients.

Reaching new patients through virtual care always starts with a good social media presence. A great example of this is @EaseCare on Instagram. EaseCare attracts new patients through interactive social posts, which potentially leads to online bookings for virtual consultations. Social media makes it easy to book an appointment online. Waiting on hold over the phone for hours is all not an issue when it comes to digital bookings. 

Make sure to highlight your clinic's strongest assets when reaching out to new patients via social media.  Sometimes finding the right online booking platform for your clinic is the hardest part. InstaCare is a virtual health platform that stands out! It offers personalized patient portals, easy online booking, automatic appointment reminders, direct clinician messaging and much more. These tools can help you elevate your health care practice to the next level. InstaCare also offers social media booking solutions with one single link. Thus, using a virtual booking system like InstaCare will save you a lot of time. It will also help create a better personal connection with your patients. 

Book a demo to see all the features InstaCare offers today. Don’t miss out on the added benefits of having accessible virtual care!

Yaraghi, Nicol Turner-Lee and Niam. “How to Make Telehealth More Permanent after COVID-19.” Brookings, 4 Sept. 2020,

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